Monday, January 19, 2009


Lately... we are getting to see such a sweet and FUN side of little miss Georgia! She is very curious ( and wants to touch and point at EVERYTHING) , she is eating a ton of new foods, drinking from a cup ALL BY HERSELF, can't get enough of BOOKS, and she is finally taking a big girl bath with all of her toys -she will stay in there as long as we let her ! I can't believe we are approaching her 1st birthday in a few weeks ... our little love is growing so are some FUN pics of the little Miss!

She is so PROUD of herself !
As you can see.. she is stuffing her face with cheetos! At least
they are organic ! ha ha !

Her favorite part of bath time - watching the water fill up!
so cute... can't wait to get in!! * check out the thunder-thighs *
This is her favorite book- all the animals have textures !

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR ! The Lord has been so GOOD to us this past year... and we have SO much to be thankful for. It seems weird to think that this time last year I had 4 weeks left to go in my pregnancy ,  we did not know if it was a boy or a girl , and we had no idea what a crazy and awesome journey this parenting thing would be. The Lord has grown us up and taught us so much about eachother and selflessness... and most importantly to TRUST HIM in each season. There were a few rough patches in 2008 and we definitely felt the pressure with  Sammy changing jobs,  me staying home with a new baby and just really trusting God's purpose and provision -- and HE PROVIDED every step of the way. We look to 2009 with fresh faith and FULL hearts !  Every year our pastor encourages us as a church body to read through the bible in one year with a reading plan/journal that our church has designed and I LOVE the first Psalm of the year ( every year)  because it spurs me on to be in the word daily and to commit each season to the Lord :
 Psalm 1:2-3 
    " ...they (I) delight in doing everything the Lord wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted by the river bank, bearing fruit EACH SEASON without fail. Their leaves never wither and in all they do, they prosper" 

 Lord, I give you ALL of me  each day of 2009 ...may I walk more deeply and closely with you..  Amen