Thursday, September 10, 2009

Nothin' but cowboy boots !

Ok... this just made me whole day yesterday! A friend of mine (and her daughter ) passed these lovely gems on to Georgia a few weeks ago.... the PINK BOOTS ! They have been hidden in her closet because I  knew the moment she laid eyes on them it would be TRUE LOVE and she would want to wear them all the time... and frankly, they don't go with many outfits at this time  haha! 
 Here is how it all went down :  
  I changed her diaper, opened the closet door to put PJ's in the laundry... and then it happened ... I heard a small voice from behind me say " boots" ???   with a BIG SMILE!  
 and then.... she did this ..... 



Kelli Trontell {Photography} said...

oh my goodness!!!!!! love it. love it.

please bring these when we do your family photoshoot. these are a MUST.

love you guys!

Elizabeth Priddy said...

ahhhhhhh! i love it!!!!!

The Anthony's said...

SO precious!!!

dayna said...

tooooo cute! i FINALLY just signed up so i can actually leave comments too for my lil' neicy!