Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day thankfulness

PROVERBS 31 :28-30
                                               Her children arise and call her blessed;
                                               her husband also, and he praises her
                                                  Many women do noble things,
                                                      but you surpass them all.
                                            Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
                                      but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 

I am so blessed to be a mommy ... what a gift from the Lord! On days like today I go back in my mind and think of all the Mother's Days shared with my mom and how special I felt to have a mom like her ! I used to love to make little gifts at school and wrap them for her or a have a fun shopping day with just the two of us... and even more amazing is that most Mother's Days SHE would cook an amazing meal for us to share on HER DAY!?? She is truly a woman of a different spirit. So many days as a little girl I would wonder what it would be like to be a "mommy" as I would dress up my dolls and play house... and think of all the things I would do with my children one day... and TODAY ... I had a moment of thankfulness .
I remember being pregnant and thinking, wow, my body is not my own anymore and from here on out, I am a mom. WOW , I never knew what kind of love a mother has until I saw the sweet face of Georgia Love. I love all of it -even the hard parts.
The labor pains, the sleepless nights, changing 10 diapers in a day and getting pooped on! , going out to dinner but not remembering what I ate because I was trying to entertain and keep the peace , singing while shopping and Georgia in the front of the buggy, long family walks at night , hearing "mama" for the first time, eskimo kisses, hearing early morning jabbering across the hall, teaching her to love and praying for her to know the Lord and have a gentle spirit . What an incredible roll mother's have - we are the mentors, friends and role models for our little tiny ones.
Lord, thank you for Georgia and the blessing she is me . To my mom, thanks for showing me what it means to passionately love my children and my family. You are the best mom and friend. I am bubbling over with blessings today!

1 comment:

Reed and Kelli said...

you amaze me. what a beautiful post. i love your words and childhood memories.

you are an amazing MOMMA & WIFE. I am blessed to know you.....and look forward to getting to know you even more...when we hang out. Right!?!? When are hanging out?
